We picked up Frank after the ceremony in the morning, and then we went to eat Pho, where they gave us this GIGANTIC portion, and I ate more than all of them XD. I feel very proud of myself. I really wanted to spend more time with my friends though... we had things to do. We'll hang out together next time for sure!
So then we went to the banquet in the evening. It was pretty cool, although I wish they gave us something better for dinner. My parents didn't like it T_T I was sad... maybe I shouldn't have invited them, they don't really get excited or appreciate this grad stuff, being the asians they are haha. One of the things I was disappointed with is that I couldn't sit with Ashley or Jak or Jason or Dan. It would have made the night a lot more fun. *disappointed* We need bigger tables.
The fireworks in the middle of the banquet was pretty awsome XD. I think I almost had a heart attack though, but it was very exciting........ O_______O haha. I'm amazed they're allowed to do that.. what about the really old people!! O_O won't they get sick or something?
Anyway... Frank was starting to be really gloomy after the banquet, and I got kind of upset. He kept wandering off without me or just sitting there and not talking to me, which was really awkward. Then I got really frusterated and tried to talk to him, and he said the reason why he was there is just to look like a companion for me... well........ not really! I really wanted to spend a fun evening together with him, not just for him to be a statue beside me =_=. Anyway so some other things were said, and I really didn't want to listen anymore so I just wandered off somewhere on my own... got a cup of coffee, except it was 1:5 coffee to milk ratio... and I couldn't see what I was doing anymore cause my vision was all blurry... and I really wanted Frank to come after me or something but he didn't.... I somehow made my way and found a couple of friends. It was really hard too, cause I had to keep bending my head down. I really hate it when people can actually see my face when I cry. Anyway, this is a good reason for girls not to wear makeup, just incase they start crying and smudging their makeup all over the place.... O_O. So I was lucky I didn't have any.
It was strange though, because when I saw my friends at first it was okay, but when they asked if something was wrong I suddenly felt it to be very hard to control myself O_O and I suddenly really really wanted to cry, and I didn't want them to see, so I ran away. But being the good friends they are, they came after me and hugged me and stuff....... ><><. Anyway, that made me feel alot better. Everyone just gathered around me and gave me hugs ><. Wahhhh.................... thank you so much my friends ><... XD....
So, I found out later that Li (Li, I'm stealing you method of mentioning people now because it's less exposing?? XD) actually went and talked to Yang... and Yang kept talking about how great a friend I had made... I really think so too XD. I'm sorry for ruining your suit Li... i think O_O I hope it's alright.
Anyway, I'm just bursting with emotions right now whenever I think about it. It makes me so unspeakably happy, actually, to know that I have friends like these. XD. Yang was also very sweet after, although not right after, cause even after Li talked to him he still asked me if I wanted to break up......... I must say that was quite a blow... anyway but he did in the end step forward to apologize and did everything he could to make the rest of my night better, and as usual his apology was realy sweet and sincere. It was alright. I was alright.
So we went to Bonny's house after... Piao decided to try to get wasted... that was pretty funny LOL. We sang english songs even though i still can't sing after being so violently sick haha, and played board games ( I was really enthusiatic about that hahaa.... what was it called again? concentration or sumthing? when you move the pieces around and send other pieces into their home base when you land on the same place as them...) It was hilarious cause we kept cursing Yang to lose and I was absolutely ecstatic when he lost.... picking on him feels good hahaha. Then we played MahJong... err then I slept... or tried, and got my arm killed because Yang was sleeping on it and I had the pins and needles thing so I kept trying to hit him to wake him up =_= but it didn't work, and he breathes really loudly when he sleeps..... looooooool..... restless night.
I had fun looking at pictures with my family today. I'll really miss everyone when September comes around. I'm excited and can't wait to be there but... kind of don't want to part with everyone either.
I did write a grad song a while ago, but I never got around to putting it up. I'll post the lyrics here.
I'll remember you
when we all go our separate way
severy minute
every second that we struggled through together
I'll remember you
when we are looking back at now
And I'll remember every face that ever made me smile
and though the days will fly and all will be a memory
your color will forever be with mef
orever be a part of me
and i will smile as I remember all those moments that we shared
all those times you stood by me
and all those times you showed you cared
We have grown our wings prepared to fly and now is our time
to say goodbye
And i'll remember you
Good bye
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