Wow... summer's here... It's been so long since I wrote in this blog. I was expecting a relaxing summer, but now I'm more stressed than I have been during school and IB =_=. On that note, IB is super super hard this year!! I was so crushed when I saw that most of my IB marks were so low! T________T But then I have my highschool marks, so it wasn't that bad...
I got this new job at Vectors Marketing Canada... thought it was going to be relaxing and stuff... I COULDN'T HAVE BEEN MORE WRONG! Oh my goodness!!! I have to call in everysingle day to tell them my schedule, then they drill me about if I can fit in more today, or tomorrow, or the day after, what my goals for the day is, what my goal for the week is.. blah blah blah. I just want to die now =_=. I was so pressured and upset the other day, and angry that I couldn't say no to my managers when they request that I go into the office when I didn't want to. I actually cried so hard because I felt so miserable. Honestly... managers should treat us like humans too =_=". But it wasn't that bad, because everyone, especially my parents! have been soooo nice to me. Mom and dad never yell at me anymore v.v and my friends are supportive, and Yang comforts me when I'm upset. It really does help to have so many people beside me. I can't wait till August. I'm holding a farewell/charity concert!!! Hope everyone comes to support me, for a lot of people it's going to be one of the last times I get to see them. Then my ARCT piano exam, I have to work hard for that. Then after its off to the East for vacation, then university!!! So excited, yet so busy..... =______= Hope everyone's summer is going well too! >.<>